Possible Essay Topics For Introductory Assignment For Shakespeare'S Macbeth
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Affective Factors Self Efficacy, Self Esteem, And Self...
Affective factors: self-efficacy, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Bandura (1994) proposed that individual’s perceived self-efficacy plays a central role in anxiety arousal when encountering potentially threatening situations. According to Bandura, self-efficacy is â€Å"people’s beliefs about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performance that exercise influence over events that affect their lives†(1994, p. 71). In other words, individuals’ perceptions regarding their efficacy are likely to influence their choice of action in order to cope with the situations. People who obtain a high sense of efficacy are more inclined to perceive positive outcomes, and transform these positive expectations by using problem-solving approaches so as to confront difficult situations. Conversely, people who have low self-efficacy possess high levels of self-doubt of their ability. They tend to become less motivated in taking on the given tasks and credit t heir perceived failing scenarios on personal deficiencies. Hsieh (2008) and Linnenbrink and Pintrich (2003) postulated that individual’s perceived self-efficacy might result in many aspects of behavior, including learning motivation, activity choice, as well as effort and persistence. Research has increasingly shown a relationship between efficacy beliefs, academic achievement and anxiety (Chularut DeBacker, 2004; Cubukcu, 2008; Mills, Pajares, Herron, 2006; Zimmerman, Bandura, Martinez-Pons, 1992). Multon, Brown,Show MoreRelatedSection Two : Low Self Esteem2792 Words  | 12 PagesSECTION TWO: LOW SELF-ESTEEM 1. Definition Research has offered that students who feel self-complacent are more likely to succeed. As learners, we have all experienced this feeling of being confident of our capacities to do something, and this of course, has to do with the great desire, especially in academic setting. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Essay The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants - 989 Words
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Ann Brashares When a pair of jeans manages to work on four diffirent best friends and make each look uniquely special, thats when you know youre in possession of a truly remarkable article of clothing. The pants of, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, by Ann Brashares, is what makes the book complete. Even though this novel is a girly book; thats what makes the characters more relatable, the plot interesting in almost gossipy way, and the theme, which is the importance of friendship. The characters are relatable. Carmen is the most thoughtful of the four friends, and recognizes the importance of friendship more than others do. Carmen is half Puerto Rican and half White, she lives with†¦show more content†¦Bridget for example, has a bad relationship with one of her soccer coaches. She constantly flirts with her coach Eric, to the point where she sneaks out one night to a local bar just to see him. A few days later she snuck out to his cabin and they have sex. Afterwards, she gets very upset and cant get out of bed for days. Carmen goes to visit her dad. When she gets there though, she sees he has a new family already and feels mad and replaced. Eventually it gets to the point where she cant take it any more and runs away. Carmen expects her dad to come out looking for her, but when he does nothing she hops on a bus and goes back home. Feeling extremely guilty about the whole ordeal, she finally calls him and tells him how she feels. Deciding to surprise h im, she flies to South Carolina on the day of his wedding and heads to the church. Lena paints walks and talks her days away. One day, shes skinny dipping in a secluded pond, when suddenly a boy named Kostos walks in on her. She goes to her grandfather and tells him about it. He makes a big deals a bout it and triggers a family feud between Lenas family and the family of Kostos. Secretly, the kids start seeing each other and fall in love. Tibby gets a summer job. She immediately hates it, like everything else, and decides to make a suckumentary about how bad her summer is going to be. Bailey, a girl with cancer, shows her that things really arent that bad and they decide to drop the suckShow MoreRelatedMusic And Its Effect On Life1167 Words  | 5 Pages Kenzie, Sara, Sara, and I were listening to True Friends in my basement while they helped me pack. This is when we discovered The Pants. Much like Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Anna Brashare, the five of us, ranging in siz es from 00 through size 8, found a pair of pants that fit all of us. Between True Friends playing in the background and the â€Å"magical†pants that fit us all, destiny had a way of making sure we would be friends for a lifetime. As each of us travels through life, I am alwaysRead MoreTambrandsâ€â€Overcoming Cultural Resistance2958 Words  | 12 Pagesgreat frontier of tampons, but it could be the seductive noose of the global expansion objective.†The company’s new global campaign for Tambrands is a big shift from most feminine protection product ads, which often show frisky women dressed in white pants biking or turning cartwheels, while discreetly pushing messages of comfort. The new campaign features local women talking frankly about what had been a taboo subject in many countries. A recent Brazilian ad shows a close-up of a tampon while the narratorRead MoreWomen and the Media3250 Words  | 13 Pagesset of â€Å"Baywatch†along Pamela Ande rson, or on the set of desperate housewives, of featured in a music video. She is portrayed as the ugly fat girl in high school, with no friends. Prior to â€Å"Ugly Betty†America also played in â€Å"the sisterhood of the traveling pants,†another role where she played the unpopular fat girl, with only two friends, who’s father forgets about her. This is not only an issue of biasness, but also an example of how body image is portrayed, and negatively affecting young
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Reaction Paper Self Concept Free Essays
Angela Foster Reaction Paper Communications 11/26/2010 â€Å"Self – concept is such a powerful force on the personality that it not only determines how you see youself in the present but also can influence you future behavior and that of others. Such occurences come about through a phenomenon called the self-fulfilling prophecy. A self-fulfilling prophecy occurs when a person’s expectations of an event, and his or her subsequent behavior based on those expectations, make the event more likely to occur than would otherwise be true†(57). We will write a custom essay sample on Reaction Paper Self Concept or any similar topic only for you Order Now Self-fulfilling prophecy is a very powerful source on your personality. For me this is basically just positive thinking, and if you think you will do well then you will. For example, when I first started school, I really didn’t know how to study, and for my first psychology test I went in totally unprepared. I lacked confidence because I was unprepared and nervous because I hadn’t studied much, and when I went in to take the test I just knew that I would not do very well. It was no surprise to me when I got my test back that I had failed it.I knew that I was going to have to get it together if I was going to pass my classes and the first step was to learn how to study. I found ways to study that worked for me, and when I went in for my next test I was more confident. I had an optimistic attitude, and confidence that I would do well on the test, so it was no surprise when I got my test back I had made an A. There are two types of self-fulfilling prophecy, self- imposed prophecies and when someone’s expectations govern another’s actions. â€Å"Self-imposed prophecies occur when you own expectations influence your behavior†(57).If you think you can, and set your mind to doing something the results can be great. It isn’t just the observer’s beliefs that causes one to do well, â€Å"the observer must communicate that belief†(58). For example if a teacher has hopes for a child but does not encourage them or push them to the next level, then the child may not use their full potential. â€Å"The effects of teacher attitudes, beliefs, and values, their expectations have been tested repeatedly†(Wilkins). Another example of other’s expectations influencing one’s behavior is that of a parent towards a child.If a parent has faith in a child they must let them know or a child may not have the confidence they to need to blossom. Positive results do not just happen because of a positive attitude though. Just like the saying â€Å"Faith without Works†is very true. People cannot just lie around and expect good things to happen. You must take action and put footwork behind what you are working on and plan to accomplish. So with the combination of some knowledge and a positive attitude, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. How to cite Reaction Paper Self Concept, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Myanmar and Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discsuss about the Case Study of Myanmar and the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis. Answer: Overview of Burma History of Burma mainly started from the end of 16th century when the Taungoo Dynasty conquered a huge part of the South East Asia. In the much later stage, the main development in the entire region started under the British rule. The main ethnic groups of Burma includes Bamar constitute the majority portion with 68 percent. They are followed by the Shan community. They constitute nearly 9 percent of the total population of Burma. Buddhism is the major religion being followed in the country[1]. Nearly 87 percent of the total population follows Buddhism. They are followed by 6 percent Christians and 4 percent Muslims. It is also to be noted that Burma is strategically located between the Indian subcontinent and the South East Asian countries. Thus, they serve as the gateway for the South East Asian countries. They are surrounded by India, Bangladesh, China, Laos and Thailand. Bay of Bengalis is in their Southern side. Myanmar is having favorable diplomatic relationship with their neig hboring countries in the recent past but in the recent time, they are having strained relationship with the some countries such as Bangladesh and India. Change in Name In the late 1980s, the name of Burma got changed to Myanmar. This change was done by general Saw Maung who came to power with the help of military coup. According to the military government, the name was changed due to the reason that Myanmar as name is more inclusive of all the ethnic groups especially the minority groups. On the other hand, Burma is derived from the majority ethnic group of the country[2]. However, this change in name is still having controversy with it and still many countries did not recognized the new name as official name. Emergence of the Rohingya crisis Rohingya is the largest portion of the minority Muslims in Myanmar. They are majorly based in Rakhine state of Myanmar. However, the issues started due to the clash between them and the ethnic Buddhist communities in the country. Moreover, with having the Buddhist majority government in place, Rohingya Muslims is also deprived from their citizenship status of Myanmar, rather they are considered as the illegal immigrants from Bangladesh[3]. The continuous clash between the ethnic Buddhists and Rohingya erupted with different smaller incidents and incited the nationalist environment in the country. Myanmar army was accused of mass abusing and torturing Rohinhyas in retaliation of the recent attacks by Arakan Liberation army[4]. Mass graves were discovered of the Rohingyas. This caused global negative response from different countries and regulatory bodies. Early warning signals There were early warning signals of the present conflict of Rohingyas. One of the major early signals was the age old conflict between the Buddhist ad Muslims. This should get rectified in the primary stage itself by the regulatory authorities. Another early signal was the discovery of the graves in the Northern Rakhine of the Rohingyas[5]. Government at that point of time should take specific measures to avoid the further escalations. Nations affected Apart from Myanmar, there are some other nations also affected from the Rohingya crisis. Bangladesh is the most badly affected due to the reason that majority of the Rohingyas are fleeing to nearby areas of Bangladesh[6]. Various refugee camps such as in Cox bazaar in Bangladesh are being set up to accommodate these refugees. Another affected country is India. According to the reports, there are more than 40000 illegal immigrants of Rohingyas fled in India. This population is posing security concerns for the internal security of India. Other countries such as Thailand and Indonesia are also facing the inflow of Rohingyas in their countries. International response There is limited approach of the international response towards the atrocities of the Rohingyas in Myanmar. Countries such as India and China are in favor of deporting the immigrants rather condemning the incidents. This is mainly due to their strategic alliances with Myanmar. On the other hand, Bangladesh has largely condemned the incidents and received huge inflow of immigrants. However, in the recent time, they are also trying to deporting them back citing the economical issues[7]. Indonesia is the most active country among all with sending their foreign minister to Myanmar for urgent discussion. United Nations have also taken limited approach toward the atrocities by just sending their delegations to the country rather putting any sanctions. Impact of diplomacy Diplomacy and negotiations helped in resolving the issues to a certain extent. This is due to the reason that constant diplomacy of India, Bangladesh and United States forced Myanmar to get agreed in taking back the misplaced Rohingyas. However, the still now the process of taking them back has not started and more news of misplacements of Rohingyas are being reported[8]. Nations actively involved International bodies such as Organizations of Islamic Cooperation and United Nations are the most active players in the Rohingya crisis. Apart from them, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and United States are the most involved countries sequentially. Recommended steps There are some steps that should be followed in order to solve the issues with Rohingyas. Pressurizing Myanmar government through their most reliable countries, sanctioning partially, make them accountable in the United Nations and offerings support and assistances to the government. These steps consist of both positive and negative ones. It is important to identify the country on which Myanmar is strategically dependant. That country will be the most effective in pressurizing them. China is one of their key strategic partners, China should be persuaded regarding the threat from Rohingya crisis and they should be made to talk with Myanmar. The next step is made them accountable. Myanmar is also the member in the United Nations. Thus, consensus should be created among the likeminded countries and make Myanmar accountable in front of them. Collective pressure will have more long term impact. The last step is offering help and assistances. Government of Myanmar should be motivated to resolve the issue and necessary helps will be given to them. They should also be communicated about the benefits that Myanmar will receive by resolving the issue. References Ahsan Ullah, A. K. M. "Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar: Seeking Justice for the Stateless." Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 32.3 (2016): 285-301. Azad, Ashraful, and Fareha Jasmin. "Durable solutions to the protracted refugee situation: The case of Rohingyas in Bangladesh." Journal of Indian Research 1.4 (2013): 25-35. Brooten, Lisa, Syed Irfan Ashraf, and Ngozi Agwaziam Akinro. "Traumatized victims and mutilated bodies: Human rights and the politics of immediationin the Rohingya crisis of Burma/Myanmar." International Communication Gazette 77.8 (2015): 717-734. Lim, Alvin Cheng-Hin. "The 2015 Refugee Boat Crisis In Southeast Asia: Humanitarian And Security ImplicationsAnalysis." (2015). News.Bbc.Co.Uk.News.Bbc.Co.Uk, 2018, https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7013943.stm. Accessed 3 Apr 2018. Parnini, Syeda Naushin, Mohammad Redzuan Othman, and Amer Saifude Ghazali. "The Rohingya refugee crisis and Bangladesh-Myanmar relations." Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 22.1 (2013): 133-146. Seekins, Donald M. Historical Dictionary of Burma (Myanmar). Rowman Littlefield, 2017. Southwick, Katherine. "Preventing mass atrocities against the stateless Rohingya in Myanmar: A call for solutions." Journal of International Affairs 68.2 (2015): 137. Seekins, Donald M. Historical Dictionary of Burma (Myanmar). Rowman Littlefield, 2017. News.Bbc.Co.Uk.News.Bbc.Co.Uk, 2018, https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7013943.stm. Accessed 3 Apr 2018. Lim, Alvin Cheng-Hin. "The 2015 Refugee Boat Crisis In Southeast Asia: Humanitarian And Security ImplicationsAnalysis." (2015). Brooten, Lisa, Syed Irfan Ashraf, and Ngozi Agwaziam Akinro. "Traumatized victims and mutilated bodies: Human rights and the politics of immediationin the Rohingya crisis of Burma/Myanmar." International Communication Gazette 77.8 (2015): 717-734. Southwick, Katherine. "Preventing mass atrocities against the stateless Rohingya in Myanmar: A call for solutions." Journal of International Affairs 68.2 (2015): 137. Azad, Ashraful, and Fareha Jasmin. "Durable solutions to the protracted refugee situation: The case of Rohingyas in Bangladesh." Journal of Indian Research 1.4 (2013): 25-35. Parnini, Syeda Naushin, Mohammad Redzuan Othman, and Amer Saifude Ghazali. "The Rohingya refugee crisis and Bangladesh-Myanmar relations." Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 22.1 (2013): 133-146. Ahsan Ullah, A. K. M. "Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar: Seeking Justice for the Stateless." Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 32.3 (2016): 285-301
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