Possible Essay Topics For Introductory Assignment For Shakespeare'S Macbeth
Friday, November 29, 2019
Peds Definition free essay sample
Effacement: thinning of the cervix Meconium: first feces of newborn Umbilicus: belly button Bili blanket: UV emitting light blanket that helps convert bilirubin to form that can be detoxed by liver Fetal monitor strip: a graphic record of FHR and uterine activity obtained by EFM (electronic fetal monitoring) Placenta accreta: A placenta in which the cotyledons have invaded the uterine musculature, resulting in difficult or impossible separation of the placenta. Complications of manually separating the placenta include hemorrhage, damage to the uterus, and, in rare cases, hysterectomy. Postpartum: first 6 wks after childbirth. Circumcision: Surgical removal of the end of the foreskin of the penis. ROM (R/T intrapartum): rupture of membranes Cesarean: CS Delivery of the fetus by means of an incision through the abdominal wall and into the uterus. Amniotic fluid:fluid that surrounds fetus in utero, protects fetus. Derived from fetal urine and fluid transport from maternal blood across the amnion. We will write a custom essay sample on Peds Definition or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Neonatal jaundice: Nonpathological jaundice affecting newborns, usually resulting from the destruction of red blood cells by the immature liver at birth. The destruction of red blood cells causes unconjugated bilirubin to accumulate in the blood and skin. Benign neonatal jaundice manifests 48 to 72 hr after birth, lasts only a few days, and typically does not require therapy. Preeclampsia: An increase in hypertension (HTN), proteinuria, and edema, a complication occurring in about 3% to 5% of pregnancies. It may progress rapidly from mild to severe and, if untreated, to eclampsia. It is the leading cause of fetal and maternal morbidity and death, esp. in underdeveloped countries. Postpartum depression: PPD Depression occurring up to 6 months after childbirth and not resolving in 1 or 2 weeks. The disease occurs in about 10% to 20% of women who have recently delivered. IUFD: Intrauterine fetal death Prematurity: The state of an infant born any time before completion of the 37th week of gestation. Nullipara: A woman who has never produced a viable offspring Gestational age: The age of an embryo or fetus as timed from the date of onset of the last menstrual period. Gestational age is specified numerically by the following convention: 360/7 indicates an age of 36 weeks, 0 days . 295/7 indicates an age of 29 weeks, 5 days . The first two numbers are the number of weeks of gestation. The number designated as X/7 is the number of days since the completion of the last full week. Perineum: The structures occupying the pelvic outlet and constituting the pelvic floor. The external region between the vulva and anus in a female or between the scrotum and anus in a male. It is made up of skin, muscle, and fasciae. The muscles of the perineum are the anterior portion of the intact levator ani muscle and the transverse perineal muscle. PIH: Pregnancy induced hypertension Homans sign: Pain in the calf when the foot is passively dorsiflexed. This is a physical finding suggestive of venous thrombosis of the deep veins of the calf; however, diagnostic reliability is limited, that is, elicited calf pain may be associated with conditions other than thrombosis, and an absence of calf pain does not rule out thrombosis. Gravida: A pregnant woman Station during labor: Measurement of fetal descent in relation to the ischial spines of the maternal pelvis. Hemorrhoid: Veins of the internal or external hemorrhoidal plexuses and the immediately surrounding tissues. Hemorrhoids are most often referred to only when diseased (i. e. , enlarged, painful, bleeding). Other anorectal conditions (e. g. , anal fissure, condylomata, anal cancers) may produce similar symptoms and must be distinguished from hemorrhoids by appropriate examination. Lochia: The puerperal discharge of blood, mucus, and tissue from the uterus. OFC: Occipitofrontal circumference Dilatation: The gradual opening of the cervical os during labor to allow the fetus to leave the uterus Uterine atony: Lack of normal tone or strength; debility of uterus Apgar score: A system for evaluating an infants physical condition at birth. The infants heart rate, respiration, muscle tone, response to stimuli, and color are rated at 1 min, and again at 5 min after birth. Each factor is scored 0, 1, or 2; the maximum total score is 10. Interpretation of scores: 7 to 10, good to excellent; 4 to 6, fair; less than 4, poor condition. A low score at 1 min is a sign of perinatal asphyxia and the need for immediate assisted ventilation. Infants with scores below 7 at 5 min should be assessed again in 5 more min; scores less than 6 at any time may indicate need for resuscitation. In depressed infants, a more accurate determination of the degree of fetal hypoxia may be obtained by direct measures of umbilical cord blood oxygen, carbon dioxide partial pressure, and pH. Although the Apgar score is eponymous, some practitioners recall its elements with the mnemonic Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration Bulb syringe: a syringe with a bulb on one end; compression of the bulb creates a vacuum for gentle suction of small amounts of bodily drainage, such as oral and nasal secretions. It is also used for intraoperative irrigation. Neonate abstinence scoring: Neonatal abstinence syndrome scoring system, which assigns points based on each symptom and its severity. The infant’s score can help determine treatment. Fontanel: Any of the tough, fibrous membranes lying between the bones of the cranial vault of a fetus or infant. Fontanels, colloquially known as soft spots, allow an infants skull to be compressed during passage through the birth canal. The fontanels ossify generally by age two. LMP: last menstral period Induction of labor: The use of pharmacological, mechanical, or operative interventions to initiate labor or to assist the progression of a previously dysfunctional labor. Induction may be considered when the risks of expectant management outweigh the benefits, placing the fetus and/or the mother in jeopardy. Among the more common indications are preeclampsia or eclampsia, premature rupture of membranes, fetal compromise, maternal medical diseases, chorioamnionitis, intrauterine fetal demise, postdate pregnancy, as well as some psychosocial factors. Contraindications include placenta previa, vasa previa, umbilical cord prolapse, history of classic uterine incision, and transverse fetal lie, as well as many relative contraindications. VDRL/RPR: Venereal Disease Research Laboratories / rapid plasma regain Fundus: the top of the uterus Forceps: A forceps for extracting the fetal head from the pelvis during delivery. In obstetrics, forceps application is classified according to the position of the fetal head when the forceps are applied, i. e. , outlet forceps, low forceps, and midforceps. The forceps allows withdrawal force to be applied to the fetal head and protects the head during the passage. Clonus: Spasmodic alternation of muscular contractions between antagonistic muscle groups caused by a hyperactive stretch reflex from an upper motor neuron lesion. Sustained pressure or stretch of one of the muscles usually inhibits the reflex Rooting during breastfeeding: The turning of an infants mouth toward the stimulus when the infants cheek is stroked. This reflex is present at birth; by age 4 months it is gone when the infant is awake; by age 7 months it is gone when the infant is asleep. Labor: In pregnancy, the process that begins with the onset of repetitive and forceful uterine contractions sufficient to cause dilation of the cervix and ends with delivery of the placenta. Perineal laceration: An injury of the perineum caused by childbirth. The lacerations may be classified as first-, second-, third-, or fourth-degree, depending on the extent of injury. A first-degree laceration may not require repair, but a fourth-degree laceration, which involves the vaginal mucosa, perineal muscles, and the sphincter ani, requires extensive repair. Pre-term labor: Labor that begins before completion of 37 weeks from the last menstrual period. Rhogam: Rho(D) Immune Globulin is a medicine given by intramuscular injection that is used to prevent the immunological condition known as Rhesus disease (or hemolytic disease of newborn). The medicine is a solution of IgG anti-D (anti-RhD) antibodies that suppresses the mothers immune system from attacking Rh-positive blood cells which have entered the maternal blood stream from fetal circulation. Vertex: the top of the head Labor augmentation: the use of pharmacological or surgical interventions to help the progression of a previously dysfunctional labor Gestational diabetes: GDM DM that begins during pregnancy owing to changes in glucose metabolism and insulin resistance. Non-stress test: NST An external electronic monitoring procedure to assess fetal well-being. An acceleration in fetal heart rate should be evident in response to fetal movement. Reactive test: Two criteria indicate satisfactory fetal status. The monitor records a minimum of two episodes of heart rate acceleration accompanying fetal movement within one 20-min period, and accelerations of 15 beats per minute (BPM) persist for a minimum of 15 sec per episode. Nonreactive test: The monitor record does not meet either criterion for reactivity. This indicates the need for a second test within the next several hoursâ€â€contraction stress testing, a fetal biophysical profile, or all three. Inconclusive test: The monitor records less than one acceleration in 20 min or an acceleration less than 15 BPM lasting less than 15 sec. Engorgement: Filling of a breast with milk Involution: The return of the uterus to normal size after childbirth EBL: estimated blood loss Abortion: The spontaneous or induced termination of pregnancy before the fetus reaches a viable age. Neonate: A newborn infant up to 1 month of age Leopolds Maneuvers: In obstetrics, the use of four steps in palpating the uterus in order to determine the position and presentation of the fetus. Fetal heart tones: FHT, fetal heart sounds Placenta previa: PP A placenta that is implanted in the lower uterine segment. There are three types: centralis, lateralis, and marginalis. Placenta previa centralis (total or complete PP) is the condition in which the placenta has been implanted in the lower uterine segment and has grown to completely cover the internal cervical os. Placenta previa lateralis (low marginal implantation) is the condition in which the placenta lies just within the lower uterine segment. Placenta previa marginalis is the condition in which the placenta partially covers the internal cervical os (partial or incomplete PP). Tubal ligation: A surgical method of contraception in which the fallopian tubes are severed and their cut ends are tied. It is used to prevent eggs, released from the ovaries, from entering the uterus where they might be penetrated by sperm. Ballard gestatinal assessment score: A system for estimating newborn gestational age by rating physical and neuromuscular characteristics of maturity. For infants born between 20 and 28 weeks gestation, Ballard tools are more accurate than other systems of estimating gestational age. Six neuromuscular markers are assessed: posture, square window (degree of wrist flexion), arm recoil, popliteal angle (degree of knee flexion); scarf sign (ability to extend infants arm across the chest past the midline); and heel-to-ear extension. Seven physical characteristics are also evaluated: skin; lanugo; plantar creases; breast; eye and ear; and genitals. Each factor is scored independently, and then an overall sum is used to determine the gestational age. The tool is most accurate if performed within the first 12 to 20 hr of life or as soon as the babys condition stabilizes. Bloody show: The sanguinoserous discharge from the vagina during the first stage of labor or just preceding menstruation Vacuum extraction: A vacuum extraction is a procedure sometimes done during the course of vaginal childbirth. During vacuum extraction, a health care provider applies the vacuum  a soft or rigid cup with a handle and a vacuum pump  to the babys head to help guide the baby out of the birth canal. This is typically done during a contraction while the mother pushes. DIC: disseminated intravascular coagulation Colostrum: Breast fluid that may be secreted from the second trimester of pregnancy onward but is most evident in the first 2 to 3 days after birth and before the onset of true lactation. This yellowish fluid, which is the first milk produced by the breast after childbirth, contains abundant carbohydrates, proteins (including antibodies), and minimal fat. Contractions: tightening of uterus during pregnancy and labor Episiotomy: Incision of the perineum at the end of the second stage of labor to avoid spontaneous laceration of the perineum and to facilitate delivery. In the U. S. episiotomy is done in about 40% of all vaginal deliveries, making the procedure one of the most common forms of surgery performed on women. Perineal massage in the weeks before delivery can reduce the use of episiotomy. Vernex: A protective sebaceous deposit covering the fetus during intrauterine life, consisting of exfoliations of the outer skin layer, lanugo, and secretions of the sebaceous glands. It helps the neonate conserve body heat. It is most abundant in the creases and flexor surfaces. It is not necessary to remove this after the fetus is delivered. Full-term infant: an infant born between the beginning of the 38th and the end of the 41st week of gestation. Parity: The number of live children a woman has delivered After pains: the pains after delivery while uterus is involuting Newborn screen: Newborn screening tests look for serious developmental, genetic, and metabolic disorders so that important action can be taken during the critical time before symptoms develop. Most of these illnesses are very rare, but are treatable if caught early. Membranes: the amniotic sac that surrounds the fetus Lactation: The production and release of milk by mammary glands Kangaroo care: The placing of a newborn infant, esp.. a premature baby, in an upright position between the breasts of the mother for several hours a day.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Business Plan Competitions
Business Plan Competitions Business plan competitions began in the U.S. universities during the early 1980s. Since then, the programs have been initiated in several universities around the globe.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Business Plan Competitions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Business plan competitions are organized with the aim of encouraging development of new business enterprises, expanding local economies and encouraging cultural change. Business plan competitions generate a lot of funding from investors and well-wishers. As a result, the competitions are highly valued by the students and those involved. In the U.S.A, business plan contests are so competitive that they attract students from all over the world. Currently, most of the programs’ sponsors and critics have questioned whether these contests are really worth the funding they receive. After analyzing the effects of business plan competitions on the organizers, c ommunity and the participants, it is with no doubt that, the events are very valuable. From my analysis, I noted that the contests provide opportunities for students to improve on their entrepreneurial skills and knowledge. Similarly, students involved in the competition are provided with opportunities to generate new ideas, increase their self-esteem, access to business advisers and network.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Most of the students who have been involved in the contests suggest that the programs have enabled them learn entrepreneurship skills and knowledge through practice and criticism. Through the programs, the sponsors aim at increasing revenues, raising profits, support recruiting efforts, and motivate their companies to focus on innovations. It is supposed that through these competitions, financiers and entrepreneurs are challenged to implement o n new projects. Similarly, most companies associated with the competition programs have improved their corporate image. In addition, through these events, most companies, financiers, have helped students implement their business and projects, consequently helping them generate profits. By doing so, the companies involved have not only remained competitive but also attracted and retained the best talents in the markets. Researchers have indicated that business plan competitions have clearly set goals. The organizers must outline their programs objectives. By doing so, they will be able to manage financiers and participants expectations. To accomplish this, the competitions goals must identify what the organizers anticipate from the participants during and after the competition. Equally, the competition’s goals must indicate how the event will benefit the participants. In this note, organizers are encouraged to set goals that will enhance participants’ careers. Similarly , investors, entrepreneurs and organizers should be encouraged to host more competitions to enhance innovation and entrepreneurship.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Business Plan Competitions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More To measure the competitions’ returns, several metrics can be employed. Although the metrics employed provide the organizers with valuable information, it should be noted that these metrics alone provide insufficient information. The most popular metrics employed are return on investment metrics and organizational metrics. Through return on investment metrics, financial returns and resource investments are correlated and analyzed. Return investment metrics help the organizers to evaluate how the entrepreneurs’ ventures are performing, and through this, they can justify the importance of their competitions. Alternatively, organizational metrics provide the organizers with valuable i nformation on how the funded companies’ plans are geared towards sustainable innovations. Despite the numerous benefits of modern business plan competition, it should be known that the current model plans would be faced with numerous challenges in the near future. Over the last 5 years, several intellects have criticized on the programs objectives. Critics believe that the events’ motives have shifted from enhancing innovation programs to being profit ventures. Equally, it has been alleged that the events have majored on encouraging the participants to develop winning plans rather than teaching them relevant techniques for use in the implementation of their business ideas.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Due to these challenges, I advise the events’ organizers to adopt modern contemporary business plans as the popularity of their models dwindles yearly. In this regard, I have proposed a business model plan for the competitions, which the event organizers can adopt. Through this model, participants would be measured by how best they will implement their business ideas in the field, rather than how best they will write their business plan. In my model, participants would earn points based on their business plan, source of hypotheses, objectives, lessons, and productivity. Contrary to the current models, business plans would carry the least marks during the evaluation process. Participants with comprehensible hypotheses, objectives, and outputs will earn more marks than those without. Through this, I am certain that students will have a competition that is more practical, rather than theoretical writing exercise. Through my competition program, the winning participants will rece ive cash prices ($100,000), media exposure, and capital for their startup business. To ensure that the competition will sustain itself in the future, I would seek funding from several companies who have lost hope in the current models of business plan competitions. Before the program is launched, we will publicize our competition through the media houses, students’ journals and through the social media. Through this, we will not only attract numerous participants, but also sensitize the current learning institutions on the importance of adopting the contemporary models.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Men are better managers as compared to the women for a variety of Essay
Men are better managers as compared to the women for a variety of reasons - Essay Example There has been a lot of debate about the effectiveness of women as managers. Women are stereotyped to be too delicate to give their best in the position of a manager since most organizations require the managers to be rough and tough in order to be effective. â€Å"W[omen] managers could be $13,500 a year better off a year on average if only they had a sex change. That is the penalty managers pay simply for being female†(Horin, 2009). A vast majority of the contemporary organizations are quite unlike the misogynist workplaces that were omnipresent in the 1960s. Despite that, there is a significant discrimination on the basis of gender in the workplace today, with the women full-time managers earning 25 per cent lesser as compared to the male managers. Although men working more hours than women is frequently identified as a causal factor of this disparity in earning between the women and male managers, yet it is not the only factor that explains the difference in earning. In s pite of the women’s empowerment over the decades, gender-based discrimination is still a common factor that influences the organizational culture in the present age. Leila Abdalla is a General Manager who shares her experience of management in these words: â€Å"It’s never been a walk through the park to get to the top – and the challenges are more when you are up there because there are some people, who were not very comfortable working for me†(Kibakaya, 2011). There are many factors that make women too weak to be good managers. This paper discusses the gender issues at the workplace and supports the belief that women lack the strength for management. Women are very concerned about their impression on others. â€Å"Professional women often come to executive coaches to work on their perceived "weaknesses" in the workplace, with an express wish to change an undesirable behavior or pattern†(Doyle-Morris, 2007). It matters to the female managers a l ot how others think of them. While it can be a good thing for a woman in her personal life because this lets her adjust herself according to people’s expectations to gain their love and admiration, this attitude is not quite suitable for a manager. Managers need to know what they are doing and should not care about what others think of them. Otherwise, they are not in a position to do what they think is right for the organization. Female managers display a lack of confidence in their abilities particularly when the circumstances become too tough. Men least care what others think of them. They do what they think is right and it does not matter to them how it affects their image. Such an attitude helps the male managers get through in tough times. Female managers are put off by the criticism that surfaces as a result of their actions while male managers are stubborn and determined. A manager has to take a lot of criticism for his/her actions. Every strong manager takes bold ste ps that may be found offensive by many employees and stakeholders. These steps are necessary in order to execute the strategies made by the manager. This requires a lot of boldness. One has to take full responsibility for one’s actions as a manager. In such circumstances, a woman manager is often not able to take the criticism. She backs off when the stakeholders threaten her. Bullying at workplace is not
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
UNION BARISTAS AT STARBUCKS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
UNION BARISTAS AT STARBUCKS - Essay Example the National Labor Relations Act(NLRA).Thus, the NLRA clearly states that employees shall have the right to organize themselves, forming, joining, or assisting labor organizations so as to have a collective bargain through choosing their own representatives ,engaging in other intensive activities for the goal of collective bargains and it shall be unjust labor practice for an employer to impede, hold back or force workers in exercising of the guaranteed rights. In the formation of a union however, ignorance of the law is always a main issue. A worker should be informed that s/he has a legal right of joining as well as supporting a union in addition to attending meetings during non-work time to discussing issues related to joining a union. A worker is also entitled to speaking about the union any time other non-work talk is permitted, reading and distributing union literature so far as s/he does this in during non-work times like lunch hours, breaks, before or after work and outside the work area. An employee is also entitled to signing a card or petition to showing support for a given union. Lastly an employee can request fellow workers to support the union, sign petitions or cards asking their employer to be aware of as well as bargaining with their union. On the other hand it is illegal for an employer to issue threats of or actually sacking, lying off, disciplining, harassing, transferring, or reassigning workers due to their supporting a union. In addition an employer should not show favoritism to workers who are ag ainst the union over those in support in such aspects as job assignments, promotions, hours, salaries, implementation of rules or any other working condition for that matter. It is also illegal for an employer to close the work station or remove any benefits or privileges workers already enjoy so as to dispirit presumed union activity. An employer should also not make promises to workers’ pay raise, promotion, benefit or unique favor for opposing
Monday, November 18, 2019
Human growth and develpement module 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Human growth and develpement module 2 - Essay Example Berger (2010) claims that an infant’s or a child’s temperament also depends upon his/her inborn predispositions which might not only become the reason of his/her anxiety problems but also invoke anxiety in the parents also. When I applied these same categories to my nursing experience, I felt a significant improvement in the way I became able to assess the rate by which any child improved or recessed in terms of emotional growth and development. It is a fact that infants are very vulnerable to the toxic effects of malnutrition. Malnutrition, if not handled appropriately and on time, can lead to weight loss, height loss, and intellectual problems as poor nutrition can lead to lower IQ levels. Cognitive impairments also affect a young child if there is malnutrition and iron-deficiency anemia can also develop which leads a child to behave sluggishly and learn slowly. Children exposed to malnutrition also have a poor defense mechanism due to which they are more often targeted by various infections and diseases. In order to address this concern, I would suggest drinking lots of water per day as plenty of water can help an infant or a child much against malnutrition. A body loses much water per day through sweat, breathing, and urine so it becomes compulsory to drink many glasses of water a day. Also, vegetables should be made an essential element of daily diet as they help in strengthening the immune
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Impact of Change Management on British Airways (BA)
Impact of Change Management on British Airways (BA) Executive Summary This report identifies the Leadership Theory and The Change Management with its impact on British Airways. It clearly outlines the external and internal factors which the new Chief Executive, Willie Walsh, has to consider in order to successfully drive the company forward. In this report different change models are explained as well as the reasons for the change. Leadership Theory: Leadership is actually a process of social influence for the accomplishment of a common task in which one person enlist the aid and support of others. Alan Keith of Genentech states that, Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen. According to Ken SKC Ogbonnia, effective leadership is the ability to successfully integrate and maximize available resources within the internal and external environment for the attainment of organizational or societal goals. All above leadership definition and scholars views about leadership interpret that leadership is a unique quality which works in uniting different people on the same point and plate form to win the certain goals and objects. Different theories including power, vision and values, behaviour traits, charisma and situational interaction, intelligence were evolved by the students of leadership. For centuries the search for the characteristics of leaders has been in progress. The early detection of significance of the leadership was the basis of this search and the theory that leadership is embedded in the characteristics that few individual seize. This thought that leadership is based on individual characteristics is called Trait Theory of Leadership This view subjugated experimental and theoretical work in leadership for centuries. Between 1940-1950 reviews of these studies provoked researchers to consider different view for the definition of leadership. There are various models for the theories of leadership. MODEL 1: This model comprises of three effective styles of leadership: Authoritarian leadership style: This style gives the criteria of leadership style in which the working environment is managed by the leader using the strong directives, instructions and controlling actions by enforcing the rules. Democratic leadership style: It is very important style through which leaders take such actions which are collective, interactive and responsive. Laissez-faire leadership style: Let the things and tasks be done by the followers as they want is the essence of this style. The leaders give liberties but no guidance and framework to the followers to perform actions and accomplish the task themselves. MODEL 2: This model bears the great characteristics, the task versus interpersonal. INTEPERSONAL -ORIENTED STYLE OF LEADERSHIP: According to Clark, Donald, 2005, there are certain characteristics of this style of leadership. It offers the style of leadership that gives the opportunity to the leaders to ask the followers for opinions and suggestions and motivate the followers. The leaders give much priority to the thoughts, ideas, and the feelings of the followers. In this style the leaders give liberties of free communications. They have good listening skills and not much oral communication TASK- ORIENTED STYLE OF LEADERSHIP: According to YUKL.G, 2002, the task oriented style of leadership has certain characteristics: In this style, the leaders distribute information. The leaders do not pay attention to the ideas, thoughts and the feelings of others. The rigid sort of communication is exercised. Related to performance, the demands are made by the leaders. In this style written communication works. Model 3: There are four important theories of leadership in this model that are acted upon by any organization to update the business and for extensive management decisions. Michigan leadership studies. Ohio state leadership. McGregors theory X Y Blake and Macaneses leadership study. Importance of leadership skills in 21st Century The leaders of the 21st century are finding it hard to manage the progressively more multi faceted and constantly fast paced nature of the businesses. Engrossed in the unpredictable markets, leadership failures continue to rise even among highly eminent CEOs. Leaders have always developed their skills through, training courses, seminars and coaching-and attaining 21st century leadership skills are no different. In business management, leadership plays a successful role in identifying strengths and weaknesses of an organization and utilize them efficiently to accomplish the goals and objectives set by the organization. Other than decision making, leader has to encourage and lead his team on the road to success. 21st century leaders have many roles to perform due to changing trends in markets, cajole organizations, numerous stakeholders and splited job where they persistently face tradeoffs in focus, energy and time. With a new set of leadership qualities a blended 21st century leadership style is rising: Their leadership style matching to a complex, fast-moving technology based business Skilled in oral communication is a key element of good customer service Articulating a convincing future vision Guiding different groups of people to deliver business goals Cutting unnecessary overheads today while building for tomorrow. Bringing new perspectives and confronts threats without being overloaded Searching for new solutions outside conventional areas Open-minded and inquisitive about their environment To take advantage of new market opportunities organizes the company Works across boundaries and view business as a networks for communities To maximise sustainable growth uses partnerships and collaboration Have the ability to identify and define problems, invent and implement solutions, and trail and assess results. Another key to success is good personal management, self motivation, and career development skills are critical. Irrespective of whether a company is running with ten people or with ten departments the importance of leadership is obligatory. These leadership skills play a vital role in increasing the competence of the available resources and achieving the set goals of an organization. Organizational Change Management: Change management is defined as, to prepare, commence, recognize, organize, and stabilize change processes on both, corporate and personal level There are two types of changes: 1. Organizational Change: It is more steady and evolutionary approach and is based on the hypothesis that it is possible to ally company objectives with the individual employees objectives. This is rarely possible in actual practice 2. Reengineering Change: Known as business transformation or corporate transformation. It is the more fundamental form of change management, since it challenges all elements of processes or structures that have evolved over time. CHANGE MODEL: Bechard and Lewin introduced the most famous and important change model in 1951 and 1969. In 1980 Quinn and Lewian further explained this task. LEWIN: According to Lewin 1951, the introductory methods to manage the change are as follows: Unfreezing, existing attitudes are supported by the change in the present equilibrium. New responses can be developed according to new information. Refreezing, by introducing new responses in the personality concerns, can stabilize the change. THE FIELD FORCE ANALYSIS is the only methodology observes change suggested by Lewin that involves: The transition to the future state is affected analysing the driving forces. The differentiation between driving and restraining forces is necessary. Measures should be taken to give rise to critical driving forces and diminish critical restraining force (Martin, 2006). In order to conclude the need and capability of Organizational change management should begin with the identification of the current circumstances, deep understanding about leadership skills, group dynamics, and creative marketing. RESISTANCE TO CHANGE: May be external or internal. EXTERNEL: External resistance defiantly affects the process of change. The cultural, social and political environment all resist to change. Effective Communications with various stakeholders explaining them the reasons for the change (why?), the benefits of successful implementation (what is in it for us, and you) as well as the details of the change (when? where? who is involved? how much will it cost? etc). INTERNEL: At the time of implementation of change, organization can face some resistances to change internally from the workers like: Lack of knowledge Deficiencies in training Fears to lose something. Absence of trust. Communication problems. Normally, people perceive change processes in seven typical stages. Introduction: This report reviews the understanding of the concept of Organizational Change and its long term effect on the organization with regard to changes brought in British Airways British Airways is the fourth largest and one of the fastest growing airlines in the world. Leadership qualities and its unique culture helped in the growth of the company. Chief executive Bob Ayling, brought changes in the company without its employees support. At the time when BA was making record profit he thought change was necessary as some long term decision were to be made. He brought the change by outsourcing departments like engineering, information technology and maintenance to developing countries and by raising the morale of the staff by introducing training programmes and establishing hotel for the staff at Heathrow airport. Our aim is to be benefiting the customers, employees and shareholders, and to fulfil our commitments to the society. (http://www.guardian.co.uk). Background of British Airways British Airways aims in bringing people together by taking them wherever they want to go. This apply not only to the 36 million passengers that travel with them but also to their employees.Inspite of having challenges over the past few years the company is very competitive travel industry. They believe that they have firm strategy which keeps them moving forward. Based in London at Heathrow Airport British Airways PLC is the leading intercontinental airline in the world. Being UKs sole network carrier globally it serves 95 million people a year approximately to 550 destinations in 97 countries using about 1000 planes and 441 airports. British Airways feels proud in providing full range of services to their customers whether they are in air or on ground. British Airways A Snap shot 1916: Establishment of Predecessor Aircraft Transport Travel Ltd. 1919:Worlds first scheduled international air service was inaugurated 1933: Establishment of service to India and Singapore. 1935: The merger of three smaller airline companies forms the basis of British Airways. 1939: British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) was formed by the union of British Airways and Imperial Airways and also nationalized. 1949: BOAC imbibe British South American Airways (BSAA) 1958: Successful completion of first jet trans-Atlantic service. 1962: Supersonic transport (SST) is build by BOAC and Air France agreement to commit funds. 1967: Second around-the-world route is established by BOAC. 1974:Company is restructured under the British Airways name 1976: The first SST Concordes service was inaugurated simultaneously by British Airways and Air France. 1987: Privatization of British Airways. 1987: British Airways buys British Caledonian (BCal). 1988: Marketing alliance of British Airways with United Airlines that two years later collapses. 1992:44 % of USAir Inc is purchases by British Airways. 1998: Between British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Canadian Airlines, Qantas and American Airlines One world global alliance is launched -a group that grows to eight members. 2000: Opening of British Airways London Eye observation wheel; in its first year of operation 3 million people ride the wheel. 2006 and 2007 award of the year for SKYTRAX and OAG airline. 2007 award of best airline based in Western Europe. 2007 best trans-Atlantic airline award. 14-03-2008 at a cost of 403 billion pound Heathrow terminal 5 was opened to be used exclusively by BA. Additional Details Public Company Frequent Flyer Programme :Executive Club Premier (Invitation) Key People :Willie Walsh (CEO) Tense Relationships :Virgin Atlantic, Formed 1984 Employees: 65,157 Sales: Â £9.278 billion (US $13.151 billion) (2001) Stock Exchanges: London New York Frankfurt Munich Ticker Symbol: BAY (London); BAB (New York) NAIC: 481111 Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation; 481112 Scheduled Freight Air Transportation; 56152 Tour Operators Changes in British Airways: To improve the future of the organization and reputation against the competitors British Airways chairman and board of directors decided to downsize the organization. The changes were totally revolutionary and dominantly strategic. Vast resistance was faced by British airways from department of labour and development, local and environmental NGO and unions both internally and externally against these changes. As BA marketing value changed at 15% due to fierce competition with other international airlines they had huge pressure to bring this change. The change started in 2005 by changing its top management and appointing Willie Wash as CEO. The main focus to change is followed: Reduction in cabin crew Internal and external change. Financial losses. Drop in profit. Increased Competition. Loss of Market Share. Technological Development. Cultural change. Vision of change The vision of British Airways is One Destination seeks to ensure our customers fly confident that, together, we are acting responsibly to take care of the world we live in. Mission to change In its words: British Airways is aiming to set new industry standards in customer service and innovation, deliver the best financial performance and evolve from being an airline to a world travel business with the flexibility to stretch its brand in new business areas. (http://www.britishairways.com) Objectives of change To face the global economic and market environment give new ideas and innovation to the individuals so that they are competitive. Changing internal and external culture of the organization Offer good services to the passengers Introduction of the continental food. According to market conditions introduction of new technology and packaging. To have profound effect on the character and personality of the BA individuals give them comprehensive knowledge of managerial and technological skills. To increase the productivity of the units fabricate leadership qualities in individuals. Creating a positive and dynamic learning environment to bring a paradigm shift. The hub for the introduction of MBA programme by BA was that the knowledge and training should be thoroughly applied within the organization and future growth and development of the employees should be related to this training. Strengthens of Change in British Airways: Before change a clear and set objectives are there. Specific issues and problems were focused in planning and involvement. Before introduction of new technology collection of data and marketing survey was done. Every employee got incentive in the shape of Golden handshake and transfer in other units by downsizing strategy. According to market demand introduction of new technology. Weaknesses of Change in British Airways Identification of the problems that were surfacing in the organization. In some areas lack of policy direction. Need of cross functional communication Long distance between communication chain like the decision-making unit and the primary sources of information. Senior executives were over worked Power structure was weak. Top management was difficult to reach. Decentralized structure Lack of sufficient training. SWOT Analysis: Strengths: Well-established brand name British Airways gained loyalty and trust from the customers. With strong international alliances BA has a global geographic exposure with excellent communication. BA took full advantage of technological development through innovative culture e.g. online sales, drive thru check in. Purchase of the new fleet and the appropriate aircrafts to make travelling comfortable for the passengers gave BA advantage over their competitors. Weaknesses Soaring debts are still BA main concern. Events like 2001 Iraq war and 2005 terrorist attacks had negative effect on BA due to its reliance on the international air travel and this threat still persists. Job cuts may have negative effect on the BA as previous experience with the cost -cutting exercise resulted in understaffing and 2004-2005 industrial actions. Exposure of the rule that adult male passenger cannot sit next to the child led to sex discrimination allegation against BA. Unions threatening to go on strike against downsizing. BA was declared by AEA as the worst airline for lost and delayed baggage due to clogging of belt carrying bags and malfunction of baggage handling system. Worst airline for the arrival and departures of the short and medium haul flights. In 2007 Heathrow as voted worlds least favourable airport as it being overcrowded and subject to delay. Shortage of the staff car park space due to non availability of space Delays in getting to work due to long queues for security check up. Opportunities BAs online customer base expanded further by the growth of internet worldwide. As customers expectations are raising value added and innovative flight services will attract more customers. Opening in 2020 of a third short runway and sixth terminal will benefit BA and make Heathrow a global gateway. Threats BA market share is under threat from the low cost airlines which continuously enjoy strong growth and power in the market. Fluctuations and continuing growth of the fuel prices pose another threat to BA. Customers are still vigilant of the threat of repeated terrorist attacks. More companies are focusing on high quality in their strategy plan which increases competition in low cost airline market. Conclusion: Organizations decision making both informing and enabling strategic direction should be fully incorporated in the Change management approach. Organizations history, readiness, and capacity to change forms the realistic review for the management change. British Airways is one of the leading international airlines in the world. The organizational Change brought by the British Airways were effective not only in introducing modern technology but also improved the performance of the airline. To defeat the competitors BA introduced different options for its customers and tried to stabilize its position in the airline market. By encouraging its employees through different incentives tried to improve their skills and knowledge which is beneficial not only for them but also for the organization.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Business Plan for Beauty Products Company Essay -- Business Plan for C
Table of Contents Executive summary 2 The company 2 Company description 2 Vision statement 3 Mission statement 3 Objective 3 Company background 4 Product/ service and industry 4 Product/ service description 4 Industry description 5 The market 5 Market and target customer 5 Competition and competitive advantage 6 Marketing strategy 6 Overall strategy 7 Sales plan 7 Competitive plan 7 Research and development or growth plan 8 The organization 8 Legal and organizational structures 8 Key personnel 8 Related service providers 8 Location 9 The financials 9 Critical risks 9 Income statement 9 Cash flow projection 10 Balance sheet 10 Start- up costs 10 Assumptions 11 Schedule 11 Conclusion 11 References 13 The appendixes 15 Executive Summary Starting a business is a challenging undertaking that requires detailed planning and intensive research. The modern dynamic market and economic changes demand for the adoption of a well through of business plan that incorporates the entire business requirements (Pinson, 2004). The Paradise Beauty Centre will be a small enterprise that will focuses on the production and distribution of beauty products in United States of America. The business plan will help the business managers and other employees in understanding the long-term and immediate goals and objective of the business. The business plan will also be useful in facilitating the adoption of a strategy that will help the business prosper in the modern market. The plan will be a critical tool that will help in the production of a reliable strategy for attaining the goals and objectives. The proposed business plan will be implemented in three years time. Within the first three years, the business i... ...ice-Hal Millikan, E. (2001). Cosmetology, cosmetics, cosmeceuticals: definitions and regulations, Clinics in dermatology 1.(4) 371-374 Moore, M., (2012). Creating Public Value: Strategic Management in Government, Cambridge: Harvard University Pres Pinson, L. (2004). Anatomy of a Business Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Business and Securing Your Company’s Future. Chicago: Dearborn Trade Reshetnikov S., Wasser S., Duckman I., & Tsukor K. (2000). Medicinal value of the genus Tremella Pers. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 2 (3): 345–67 Sullivan, A., & Steven M., (2003). Economics: Principles in action. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hal Winter, R., (2005) A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients: Complete Information About the Harmful and Desirable Ingredients in Cosmetics. New York, NY: Three Rivers Press
Monday, November 11, 2019
Personal Classroom Management System Essay
Abstract An effective classroom management is essential for the success of the students. The classroom management plan needs to be strong, but also flexible since not every class is the same and the teacher needs to be able to change around the plan to fit the needs of the current class. To construct my own classroom management plan, I have borrowed some ideas from classes I have taken throughout my college career and through my own experiences as a student. My Personal Classroom Management System. In this paper I will attempt to explain my personal classroom management system. I will begin by describing the classroom conditions I will provide for my students. I will specify the behavioral goals for my students and the ways in which I want them to conduct themselves. I will elaborate on how I will grade and assess my students. I will conclude by explaining classroom procedures and how I will intervene when a student is misbehaving. Classroom Environment I believe that it is important to create a safe and encouraging environment for my students. The classroom should be a place where the students feel comfortable asking questions and expressing themselves. No student should feel embarrassed to ask questions or voice opinions. I will explain to my students that we are our own community and everyone has a role to do if the community is to work correctly. I plan to create this type of environment by establishing rules, procedures, and routines for my students to understand and follow. I feel that giving students a daily routine to follow it helps to them to develop personal responsibility. Every morning I will greet my students at the door. By doing this I can see my students in the hallway to make sure that they are following the school rules, but I can also see the students inside the classroom to make sure that they are following our classroom rules and beginning their daily routines. The first thing my students will need to do is find their assigned seating and begin their bell work. This helps them learn responsibility and start the day off productively. I will also have end of the day routines for the students to follow. Twenty minutes before the end of school I will have the students gather their belongings and pack their backpacks. We will also use this time to clean and organize the classroom so it will be in order for the next day. I want to create an environment where my students and I can learn from our various cultures and backgrounds. I want to have a weekly class session where one student is picked to share something they love about their family’s culture and traditions. This will make all my students feel important and I feel this will also help my students who may be ESL students feel comfortable and help them succeed in school. Parental Involvement I will develop a relationship with parents at the beginning of the school year. Communication between the parents, students and me is extremely important. I will contact parents to give them good news about their students and not just contact them when their child is misbehaving. I will create a monthly newsletter which I will send home with my students and post on the school website. This newsletter will let the parents know what will be going on in our classroom. This will also give them the opportunity to volunteer for different activities and help them become more involved in their child’s education. Class Rules, Rewards & Consequences In order for my students to be successful throughout the school year, they learn and follow the rules starting on the first day of school. In my classroom the rules that must be followed are: 1. Respect and follow all school rules 2. Respect others and their belongings 3. No hitting, touching or using bad language 4. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat 5. Always do your best These rules will be posted in my classroom on the first day of class. We will create a few more rules together as a class during the first week of school as well. We will spend the first two weeks of school reviewing our classroom rules. According to Wong’s Pragmatic classroom students who spend the first two weeks of school reviewing class rules learn better and conduct themselves accordingly (Charles, 132). This will help give my students ownership on their behavior. I will send two copies of the rules home for the students to give to their parents. I will ask that both the students and the parents sign one copy and return it to me and post one copy at home that can be viewed daily. I will also post a progress chart in the classroom for all students to view. The chart will cover the student’s weekly behavior starting fresh each day. At the end of the week students will be able to choose a reward based on the number of gold stars they have. Some examples of rewards include choosing a book to read when finished with class work, choosing a prize from the treasure box, being the daily helper, and being the line leader for the day. I will also use lots of positive praise and behavioral narration to encourage my students to do their best daily. There will also be consequences when the rules are not followed. These consequences will be discussed with both the students and the parents at the beginning of the year. The following are examples of the consequences: 1. Loss of picking from the treasure chest 2. Time taken from recess 3. Time spent in detention before or after school 4. A call to parents 5. A visit to the principal’s office 6. In extreme cases immediate suspension Grading and Assessment I believe it’s important to use a variety of tools to assess students. This is because all students learn in a variety of ways. I plan to use both informal and formal assessment procedures in my classroom. Homework will be used as a study tool and an extension of the daily lesson and therefore will not be graded. Homework will be used for participation points. Instead of grading it I will stamp the assignment to show that the student was given participation points for effort. All assessments will be aligned with the state standards and curriculum. The grading policy and rubrics will be made available for the students and their parents at all times. When I give tests I will only test students on materials we have covered during that week and never use gotcha questions. Students will be allowed to do make up tests if they fail and would like a better grade. Classroom Procedures Everyday my students will be expected to come into the classroom, take their seats and immediately start on their bell work. All pencils should be sharpened before the bell rings. This means students need to get to class on time. When class work is finished early, students will have the choice of choosing a book from our class library or free writing in their writing journals. Bathroom breaks will be taken individually throughout the day and as a class before and after lunch and recess. These are some of the procedures I will implement: Morning Procedures †¢Greet teacher and classmates as you enter the room †¢Unload backpack, sharpen pencils and place supplies on desk †¢Begin bell work Desk Procedures †¢No food, candy or toys allowed at your desk †¢Keep your hands and feet on/under your own desk and not in the aisle †¢Keep the area around your desk clean Line Up/Leaving Procedure †¢Quietly form two orderly lines †¢Keep your hands to yourself/arms crossed †¢No talking in the hallway †¢No running or pushing while in line †¢When leaving the room one line will follow the other to form one line in the hallway Intervention Plan Before deciding on a plan, I will observe, reflect, consult with the student, parents and coworkers, and outline ideas that may correct problematic behaviors viewed in the classroom. After considering the behavior of the child, I will reflect on the role of the environment and classroom routines, and the interactions of the child with fellow students and teachers. I will be sure to take advantage of the use of specialized staff members, such as the school psychologist and speech therapist, within the school system who are willing to assist me with my plan. This plan will be constructed on an individual basis as not all students will respond to the same methods. Once the plan is implemented, I will observe for positive changes and make adjustments accordingly after a follow up meeting with the parents, student and specialists involved in constructing the initial plan. Reference Charles, C. M. (1999). Building Classroom Discipline. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
Friday, November 8, 2019
my opinion on politics essays
my opinion on politics essays To say that my family enjoys sports is a slight understatement. A better statement might be that my family is crazy about sports. Ive probably spent a good quarter of my life watching, discussing, playing, describing, analyzing, or listening to some kind of sporting event. Though Im not quite as athletically talented as either my brothers or sister, I nevertheless find the world of sports both fun and fascinating. I have always enjoyed sitting in the stands, losing my voice to support the event that Im watching. But I enjoy observing sports fans even more. i find it fascinating that fans get so involved in their team, forging a camaraderie between themselves and athletes theyve most likely never met. Team sports afford average people the opportunity to act vicariously through superstars; thus, the bond between a fan and his favorite player or team is a strong one. For the same reasons, I suppose, i am equally fascinated by politics. People align themselves with candidates and parties in the same way sports fans support a player or a team. The deep bond between a person and her favorite candidate or party creates a distinct partisan line. Partisan politics evoke the passionate fan in all of us; we become enraptured, leaving reality in our fervor and support. I want to exercise my fascination with politics by studying and analyzing our government, but most importantly, by playing an active role in the political processes of our country. I wholeheartedly believe in the important role of the individual in a democracy, and as I continue through life, I will speak my mind and participate as much as I can. Eventually, I hope that my involvement in politics will positively influence the path of our country, promoting liberty, justice, and freedom. ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Australasian Legal Information
Australasian Legal Information Australasian Legal InformationEnglish: Legal Research Center at Lewis and secondary legal materials (law reform and royal commission reports).AustLII a seamless electronic access to primary and secondary sources of law, compared to books located through the conventional law library, is a highly desirable method for legal research. AustLII provided an excellent introduction to more structured searching for materials just as legislations and, particularly when used in conjunction with keyword searching, it increased search success. AustLII increases work speed and efficiency due to the ability to search for all your information in one place. It is also very easy to search through information using hypertext links. Text manipulation is a further advantage of using AustLII. Once the information required is found, you can easily save it, print it and cut and past it into documents you are working on. This is a stark contrast to the manual library research process Also, at any time I was able to retrace my steps by clicking the "back" function on the Internet browser.Although the overall usefulness of AustLII depended to a great extend on the clarity of its and the extent to which its coverage and subdivision of a topic matches the understanding of the topic. The search engine did not offer annotations or expand on key words as of yet. Simply through placing a phrase in quotation marks or slightly altering its wording, one can dramatically alter the results a search engine returns. It is therefore important to rephrase a search entry if it does not work before it is discarded. For example, a search...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Carnap Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology Essay
Carnap Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology - Essay Example The concern on the use of abstract entities in semantics comes from the two divergent views held by semanticists. One group of semanticists; especially those inclined to science hold that some expressions refer to entities including both concrete materials and abstract entities. Concrete materials refer to tangible objects such as trees. However, other semanticists oppose such a view and argue that such a perspective goes against the principles of empiricism and takes semantics back to the â€Å"Metaphysical Ontology of the Platonic Kind†(Carnap 242). By saying that such a perspective takes semantics to â€Å"Metaphysical of the Platonic Kind†implies that the approach reduces semantics to imitation where semantics can only refer to observable objects. The paper will therefore explore the best approach that may used in inclusion of abstract entities into semantics and avert a controversy as one brought out by Carnap. It will be achieved by first discussing linguistic f rameworks, numbers as abstract realities and the implication of accepting a new kind of entities. To dispel the controversy presented above, Carnap begin by discussing the linguistic frameworks. Carnap poses a question on whether there exist classes, properties and propositions and goes ahead to assert that such can only be understood by recognizing the distinction between two forms of questions touching on the reality of entities (242). Firstly, Carnap discusses about internal questions that are formulated using new structures of expression. Answers to internal questions may only be achieved by following a logical sequence or empirical methods based on whether the framework is a factual or logical one (242). Logical sequencing refers to finding answers through a series of questions. Empirical method refers to answering question using theories. On the other hand, external questions are in complex forms and require closer evaluation. The reason
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Venus Compared Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Venus Compared - Term Paper Example The ancient Greeks used it as a means of worship, honoring their gods and goddesses with as perfect representations as they could create. Inheriting that tradition from the Greeks, the Romans developed an artistic approach that would both honor their gods and commemorate cultural and individual achievements. It was here that the figure of Venus first came to life only to be subsumed by the Middle Ages and reborn in the light of the Renaissance which has itself been reflected in later periods. Even as the figure of the goddess herself remains relatively similar in terms of subject matter and context, depictions of Venus from the ancient period through the Renaissance and into the more modern age demonstrate vastly different approaches to the concept of female perfection. Such differences are easy to see when comparing the ancient Capitoline Venus (second century BC) with the famous Renaissance painting of her in Botticelli's painting "Birth of Venus" (1485) and the Botero's contempora ry statue of her in the form of the "Broadgate Venus" (1989). The Capitoline Venus is a marble statue created during the Roman era, probably during the 2nd century BC. The statue presents a very lifelike woman as she shyly prepares to step into a bath. She folds into herself a little bit, which is different from many of the other statues of the time which stood boldly nude and upright. Most of her weight is carried on one foot with her hips and shoulders twisted a bit in a counterpose position. Her shoulders curve in toward her chest and her upper body seems to hover over her lower body, as if she is attempting to protect it from prying eyes. This impression is heightened by her arms which fold inward with an obvious attempt at covering her breasts and pubic area even though she doesn't actually touch her body. Her pose suggests modesty and chastity, both characteristics she protects (Guerber, 1990). However, she is not the vision of perfection one might imagine. â€Å"Her modesty in covering her breasts with her hand only serves to emphasize them, while her head turns shyly to one side. However, the beauty of her body is impaired by the too large head weighed down by the hair and the common facial features†(Morton, 1990, p. 366). The beauty of her body suggests her divine nature as something worthy of worship while her pose, particularly as compared to other statues of the time, suggests her function; however, the not-so-perfect head may also be a reflection of the Roman's understanding that their gods and goddesses were not perfect. They had their own flaws, petty jealousies, and other weaknesses. The way this statue is made thus reflects the cultural beliefs in which it was made. Goddesses might be divine and have a degree of perfection well beyond the ability of normal women, but they still had their modesty, they still moved like mortal women, and they still had their own small flaws that got in the way. The period between the fall of Rome and the rise of the Renaissance saw very little art celebrating goddesses of any kind, so it isn't until the Renaissance that Venus was able to reemerge into the art world. When she did, she did so in a big way. Understood broadly as the goddess of love, Venus was reborn in statues and paintings throughout Italy with perhaps one of the most famous portrayals performed by Botticelli. While she had appeared in other works before him, Boticelli made a splash with his â€Å"Birth of Venus†(1485). In this image, Venus is again portrayed in the nude as she had been in ancient art, which was breaking the rules of the time as only divinities (Jesus, Mary, and the saints) were accepted when depicted nude. He did draw a line, though, in determining
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